
Weekly Home Groups

At Household of Faith, we encourage every believer to become involved in a home-based fellowship. These are groups of about 20 people that meet (usually in homes) on a weekly basis. 

The book of Acts tells us that the early church met in homes. In Paul’s epistles, he spoke several times of the “church that meets in his house.” In a large gathering with hundreds of believers, it is difficult to experience the personal connections that make the Body of Christ so dynamic.  Home meetings give us the opportunity to know one another and to pray for one another’s specific needs.  It is where we can practice that “one another” love Jesus calls us to, and exercise our spiritual gifts for edification.  It is a place we can invite friends we are seeking to introduce to Jesus. 

In short, it is the place we can best use the priestly ministry each of us has been given.

Youth Ministry

Household of Faith has a dynamic youth group that meets weekly to serve young men and women aged 13 through high school. The leaders of the group are youth, elected by fellow members and carefully overseen by mature couples in the church. 

Our vision is to give them the opportunity to develop leadership skills, practice body ministry and to develop their spiritual gifts. The youth themselves facilitate Bible study, encourage one another in obedience to Christ, and fellowship with each other.  

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12

Men’s Ministry

The Household of Faith Men’s Ministry seeks to build up the men of the congregation for ministry to their families and to the church family based on God’s Word. Both married and single men are involved in our men’s meetings.  We pray, eat and share God’s word together, seeking to encourage and equip one another for service.  We strive to serve men’s needs as servant leaders in our homes and communities, through teaching and discussion. 

Children’s Ministry

Household of Faith believes Scripture teaches that children are a blessing from God and should be treated as such (Psalm 127:3). Thus, it is the responsibility and privilege not only of the parents but of the entire body of Christ to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 4:6).

Our Children’s Ministry is focused on teaching what the Scriptures say about God, Jesus, sin, forgiveness, repentance and who they are in relation to God’s eternal kingdom.  We strive in every way to prepare them for life as adults so that they will be able stand as pillars of Godliness in this present world.

Women’s Ministry

Household of Faith has an active Women’s Ministry whose purpose is to encourage and equip women for ministry within their families and the church family. Both married and unmarried women are served through regular weekly Bible studies, weekly “grandmothers” prayer meetings, and monthly women’s meetings. 

Prayer Ministry

Household of Faith understands the importance of believing and persevering prayer, as taught by Jesus and practiced throughout the Scriptures. To that end, we gather every Tuesday evening for corporate prayer.   As the spiritual warfare around us intensifies, we seek God’s grace and intervention on behalf of the church, the nation, and for the many personal needs in our midst.  “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” 2 Corinthians 2:4.